The November issue of Peacework magazine (AFSC’s award-winning national peace and justice monthly, published as a program of the New England Regional Office) has a special focus on human rights, with many strong articles and photographs (visit just to see graphic artist Chaz Maviyane-Davies’ beautiful anti-slavery image, which he graciously allowed us to use on our cover). Can you use copies for any events or meetings coming up in your work? Are there organizations in your area hosting events for Human Rights Month in December? I’ll be happy to send along as many copies as you can use.
I’ve pasted in the table of contents for the issue below – check it out!
Sara Burke
Peacework Co-Editor
Torture and Other Secrets
by John Calvi =
Either you are moved to act against = it,
or you stifle
and smolder.
When the Torturers Come Home
by Liz Keeney
I think it takes a lot to wound someone so badly that they can do the = kinds
of things my father did.
Sexual Violence as a Tool of
by Andrea Smith
The project of colonial sexual = violence
establishes the ideology that Native bodies are inherently violable — = and
by extension, that Native lands are also inherently violable. =
With Gacaca, Rwanda Combines
Traditional and Modern Justice Systems =
by Roxanne Lawson
Gacaca has the potential to be the = most
thorough process ever undertaken to bring rank and file perpetrators of genocide
to justice
The Nobel Peace Prize that
Could Have = Been
by Joseph Gerson
Since Hidankyo’s founding, its = members
have traveled the world to describe what they experienced and to demand the
= elimination of nuclear weapons.
Traveling for Peace: Deciding
When & Where to Join International Peacemaking = Teams (review)
by Christel Jorgenson =
Taking a Stand addresses those who = have
a sense of outrage, who want to act but find the rallies and the letters insufficient,
yet may have hesitations, too.
Torture’s Dirty Secret: It
by Naomi Klein
The people being intimidated need = to
know enough to be afraid but not so much that they demand justice. =
The Tiger Cages of Con Son
by Don Luce
Using maps drawn by a former Tiger = Cage
prisoner, we diverted from the planned tour and hurried down an alleyway between
two prison buildings.
"General Pinochet at the
Bookstore" (poem) =
by Mart=EDn Espada
Prisons within Prisons: The
Campaign to Close the Control Units =
by Jamie Bissonnette
Prisoners describe feeling = "dead
to the world." Life becomes defined by deprivation.
Another Kind of Force
by Nancy Hastings = Sehested
Where did we get the peculiar idea = that
further punishment and diminishment of a person’s life will create = better
human beings?
Human Rights and Victim Justice
by Renny Cushing and Susannah = Sheffer
Justice for victims — whose human = rights
have been so completely violated — does not come from violating the = human
rights of others.
Pieces (Events, Gatherings,
Opportunities, Resources, Campaigns) =
Tribute to Rosa Parks
from The Highlander = Center
While Rosa Parks was indeed = remarkable,
her story is also about collective action, willed risk, intentional plans, =
and mass movement.
= Takes:
6 Bring Home the = Mass.
National Guard
6 US Military = Recruiting Data
8 Resources on Sexual = Violence
and Native Organizing
10 Crisis in Darfur, = Sudan
13 Thanks to Lobbying, "Bunker
Busters" a Bust =
Burke, = Co-Editor
Peacework = Magazine
American Friends Service = Committee
2161 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140