About Letting Our Lives Speak…
And Those Who Have Listened
Purchase Quarterly Meeting
You Are Warmly Invited
To Quarterly Meeting At
Scarsdale Friends Meetinghouse
Popham Road, Just West Of Rte 22
Sunday, November 5
Quakers have been going into prisons since Elizabeth Fry entered Newgate, and for many different reasons. Those Friends who volunteer to
be part of prison ministry are often asked, “why do you go into the prison?†or “what do you do there?†or “what is the response of the prisoners?â€
or, even, “are you scared?â€
Our next Quarterly Meeting program will examine volunteering in prisons from the point of view of both “outside†Friends and those “inside†who have worshipped with us and responded to our leadings.
The program will begin with a panel presentation, to include Hank Elkins and Mary Attanasio who will discuss their leadings and experiences in maximum and medium security prisons. Also on the panel will be Rory Anderson and Ray Rios, former clerks of Sing Sing and Otisville worship groups and whose post-release experiences have been influenced by their Quaker experiences while in prison. Finally, Deborah Wood will give a brief presentation on her AVP volunteer experience with prison inmates.
The panel will conclude with a Q&A session by the audience to the entire Purchase Quarter Prison Ministry Committee.
Friends are welcome to bring guests. We hope you will join us!!!
Directions: from South – Bronx R. Pkwy Northbound to Crane Rd/Scarsdale exit 12. Sharp right onto E.Parkway (parallel to train station) to light (POPHAM RD) –Left on Popham; go uphill, almost to end – left into Scarsdale Meetinghouse parking lot.
From North – Bronx R. Pkwy Southbound to Crane Rd exit 12, LEFT EXIT. At traffic light exit left and then go straight parallel to how you were going on BRP through two stop signs, pass train station and stores, to light (POPHAM RD) – Left on Popham; go uphill, almost to end – left into Scarsdale Meetinghouse parking lot.
childcare provided throughout the day
10:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship and First Day Program
11:15 a.m. Program: About Letting Our Lives Speak and Those Who Have Listened. . .
12:30 p.m. Brown-bag Lunch beverages and dessert provided by Scarsdale Friends
1:10 p.m. Purchase Quarter Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
For additional information: bort-brown@att.net or sweisfeld@juno.com or 914/779-8354