AFSC Releases 2 Minute video on the Iraq War

From Ruth Seely at American Friends Service Committee. This is worth checking out.

AFSC has just released a new 2 min. video to help people understand the outrageous amount of money that is being spent daily on the Iraq war – at the expense of meeting human needs.

To reach the widest audience, we need your help. On YouTube, the more views a video gets, the more visibility it gets.

So we are asking all our friends and supporters to
– watch this video (at least once)
– rate it (be honest) and
– send it to your whole network of friends and family with the same message.

We hope to get at least 1,000 views the first week – maybe much higher.

Please take a minute now.

After you view the video and send it to your friends, if you have a few more moments, please sign our petition to Congress to DEFUND the Iraq War and RE-FUND human needs at home and in Iraq:

Thank you for your help.

Ruth Seeley
Assistant General Secretary for Quaker Affairs
American Friends Service Committee