Family Movie Night – March 28th

Wall E (for kids of all ages) at 7:00pm sharp, followed by a lights out discussion and reflection hour in concert with Earth Hour, which aims for 1 Billion “votes” to redress global warming/climate change. The event is free and open to all, esp. families with young children. There will be popcorn and cider. For…

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Action: What’s the State of Union?

The day after the State of the Union address by the president, Friends Committee on National Legislation sent out an email looking for Friends input on what they thought of it. From FCNL When we compared notes this morning, we found a variety of reactions to the president’s speech here at FCNL, ranging from the…

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FNCL: A Way Forward in Iraq, Victory for Native Americans, and More

This weeks eNews from FCNL Iraq: Divided Congress Needs to Unite on Iraq Policy Success: Senate Acts to Improve Indian Health Care Cluster Bomb Ban: Former Bush Administration Officials Call for Treaty Quote of the Week: The Man in the Middle on Stopping War with Iran Report Back: Minority Blocks Measure to Restore Habeas Corpus…

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Latest Headlines from FCNL

Iraq Policy: Old Wine in New Bottles Iraq: Excerpts from Congressional Testimony Success: United Nations Recognizes Rights of Indigenous Peoples From the Hill: Guantanamo Prisoners Could Regain Right to Challenge Detentions From the Hill: Realizing an Immigrant Dream In the News: U.S. Denies Visas to Iranian Religious Leaders War is Not the Answer Photo of…

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FCNL Letter to President Bush

This week, President Bush helped the nation remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and pledged that the U.S. will continue the “war on terror.” War is not the answer to the problem of terror. In the next two years, the U.S. can turn the tide against extremism in the Middle East…

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