Purchase Quarterly Meeting – Nov 4th at Housatonic Friends Meeting

• 9am Coffee available
• 10-11am Meeting for Worship
Following a short break Alison and Cecily of Prison Families of New York will speak
• 12pm brown bag lunch
Deserts and beverages will be available as well
• Following lunch there is the Quarterly Business Meeting


From Interstate 84 : Take exit 7 to Route 7 north. Go 4.5 miles to where it joins Route 202. Turn right and continue north another 4.5 miles. Meeting house is first driveway on left after traffic light at Sullivan Road/Lanesville Road.

From New Milford : Go south on Route 7 for 2.8 miles from the junction with Route 202 (New Milford Bridge). Meetinghouse is on the right just past a small cemetery and before traffic light at Sullivan/ Lanesville Road.
Directions with a Map


Friends can park at the Housatonic Friends Meeting, if you arrive and there no spaces left, please go back out the driveway, take a right and pull in at the next driveway on the right for the Red Barn. From there you can walk up the construction side of the road to our driveway safely and out of the way of traffic.


Childcare and First Day school will be provided during worship.