Query for State of Society Report
Every year we are asked to write about the state of our Meeting and send our response to the New York Yearly Meeting office. To start the process Paula has offered to receive our individual responses. Please email som@housatonicmeeting.org.
I’m encouraging responses from anyone, member or attender, young and old alike i.e. anyone who wishes to respond to this question as it applies to your experience at Housatonic Meeting. The question is: “In what ways does your meeting for worship reflect the presence of Spirit working in your lives.” This is also an opportunity to express any concerns you may have. I’m including the letter that further explains this process in this email.
Thanks, Cathy
Dear Friends,
Once again, it is time for the Coordinating Committee for Ministry and Counsel to ask you consider the spiritual state of your meeting. We invite you to look back over the year 2005, focusing on your meeting and Friends who are part of your meeting community.
This query may help you in your deliberations:
In what ways does your meeting for worship reflect the presence of Spirit working in your lives?
Please include any other information that you feel would be useful for the Yearly Meeting to know about your activities, joys and concerns. Guidance for those seeking information about writing a State of the Meeting report can be found in Faith and Practice, which says: “the monthly meeting on ministry and counsel should appoint one or more of its members to prepare and present a report on the spiritual condition of the meeting. This should be reviewed in turn by ministry and counsel and by the meeting for business of the monthly meeting.”