Tag Sale at HMM July 4th and 5th
Housatonic Friends Meeting (Quakers) will hold a Meetinghouse Tag Sale on Friday and Saturday, July 4 and 5, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at their New Milford meetinghouse (300 Danbury Rd, Route 7 just north of Lanesville Rd).
Included will be 21-speed Denali 7005; microwave oven; antique quilting frame; furniture including bed, double size futon w. frame, TV stand w. shelf, Pfaff oak cabinet c. 1927; lawn mower; rowing  machine; household treasures; kitchen equipment; small appliances;  children’s equipment; collectibles; books; and more.  All goods are  quality items – clean and in working condition.
Parking is available at the Red Barn just south of the meetinghouse,  with handicap parking at the meetinghouse.  For directions and more  information, please call 860-355-9330 or visit  www.housatonicmeeting.org.