Young Quakes Conference 2006

This FGC conference for high school-age Friends, a project of the FGC Religious Education Committee, will take place October 6-9, 2006, at the C .A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center, Little Rock, Arks. The theme is Honoring Our Faith. The presenters are Hope Braveheart (Baltimore YM), Aaron Fowler (Great Plains YM), and Elizabeth Lyzenga-Waterman (New England YM).

  • Honor-honesty or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions
  • Faith-being sure of what one hopes for and certain of what one does not see; commitment to a religious tradition or community

Young Quakes is interactive workshops, Quaker-friendly Bible study, invigorating discussions, presentations, games, worship and worship sharing, singing, hanging out, and building incredible community. It’s both terrific fun and awesome content. You will explore with other Young Friends in our unprogrammed tradition what it means to honor our faith in the world today.

For further information contact Michael Gibson, Religious Education coordinator, Friends General Conference, 1216 Arch Street #2B, Philadelphia PA 19107 michaelg [at]; 215-561-1700