FNCL: A Way Forward in Iraq, Victory for Native Americans, and More

This weeks eNews from FCNL

Iraq: Divided Congress Needs to Unite on Iraq Policy
Success: Senate Acts to Improve Indian Health Care
Cluster Bomb Ban: Former Bush Administration Officials Call for Treaty
Quote of the Week: The Man in the Middle on Stopping War with Iran
Report Back: Minority Blocks Measure to Restore Habeas Corpus

FCNL in the News: The High Cost of Vengeful War (Lake County News-Chronicle)
What We’re Reading: Walking with the Wind – Memoir from a Civil Rights Leader

War is Not the Answer Photo of the week

War is not the Answer
FCNL staff distributed 2,000 War is Not the Answer signs
at the September 15 anti-war march in Washington, DC.
Credit: Heather Brutz

To read all these stories and more visit: