Two Articles about the Prison Families of New York

Below are two articles about the Prison Families of New York.

Offering the keys to stay out of jail
First published: Saturday, February 25, 2006
ALBANY — Bishop Howard Hubbard met Jay Coleman shortly after his release from prison, although the leader of the Albany Roman Catholic Diocese quietly supported his family for years.

“I wanted Jay to know that I’m here to offer encouragement and support as he reintegrates into the community,” says Hubbard, who has visited inmates since former Gov. Mario Cuomo started a prison program. Hubbard has hired former prisoners for the diocesan pastoral center’s cafeteria.

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and the second…

Home for dinner after 25 years of hard time
Return of a former inmate provokes a range of reactions from his family

By PAUL GRONDAHL, Staff writer
Click byline for more stories by writer.
First published: Saturday, February 25, 2006
ALBANY — The worst time of day for Alison Coleman was the dinner hour.

For 25 years an empty chair at the oak dining room table enveloped the family meal — a daily reminder the man of the house was behind bars.
Coleman was raising two children on her own, and preparing dinner was the last thing she wanted to do after a long day at work.
“Mom hated to cook. We couldn’t wait for Dad to come home to cook dinner for us,” says daughter, Cecily, 26, who grew up knowing her father only from phone calls, letters and fleeting prison visits.

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