Purchase Quarterly Meeting Peace and Social Concerns Committee has arranged for a major AFSC developed dramatic, colorful public exhibit on the Cost of War on Tax Filing Day, April 15, at the Westchester County Court House Plaza in White Plains. This project needs 18 volunteers to make the exhibit effective over the full day in…

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Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price this Sunday

“Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price” will be shown at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 27, at the Housatonic Quaker Meetinghouse in New Milford, at Route 7 and Lanesville Road (just north of Lanesville Rd. intersection). The documentary film provides a look at the impact of the retail giant on local communities. All are…

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Purchase Quarterly Meeting – Nov 4th at Housatonic Friends Meeting

• 9am Coffee available • 10-11am Meeting for Worship Following a short break Alison and Cecily of Prison Families of New York will speak • 12pm brown bag lunch Deserts and beverages will be available as well • Following lunch there is the Quarterly Business Meeting Directions From Interstate 84 : Take exit 7 to…

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Telling Our Stories-Strengthening Our Community

A one-day retreat with Ernie Buscemi, New York Yearly Meeting presiding clerk, on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at the Amawalk Friends Meetinghouse, 2467 Quaker Church Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Schedule for the day: 8:30-9:00     Registration, Bagels & Coffee 9:00-10:15    Introductions & opening remarks by Ernestine Buscemi 10:15-10:30   Break 10:30-11:30   Meeting for Worship, 11:30-12:30   Extended afterthoughts 12:30-1:30    Simple Lunch of…

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Voices of Civil Rights – Sept 30th Film at HMM

The Peabody Award-winning film “Voices of Civil Rights” will be shown at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 30, at the Housatonic Quaker Meetinghouse in New Milford, at Route 7 and Lanesville Road (just north of the Lanesville Road intersection). All are welcome and there is no charge. Healthy refreshments and discussion will follow the one-hour…

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One-Day Retreat on Sharing Our Spiritual Experiences

Sharing about our spiritual journeys and listening to others’ stories can be a deep learning experience. This retreat will be led by Ernestine Buscemi, clerk of NYYM, and will be held at the Amawalk Meetinghouse from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Friends from all area Meetings are invited. There is no charge for this retreat, which is…

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International Visitors at HMM – 10/29

This Sunday October 29 Housatonic Meeting will host two international visitors, members of the Quaker United Nations Committee which is holding meetings in New York this week. David Kikaya is an international relations professor from Nairobi, Kenya and Brewster Grace is the former director of QUNO – Geneva. A fter joining us for worship and…

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Purchase Quarter Youth Group – Nov 5

Hear ye, Hear ye! Purchase Quarter Youth Group Will meet During Quarterly Meeting At Scarsdale MM Sunday, November 5 10 AM until Rise of Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business Meeting Pending Resolution of Logistical Issues, A Sleepover will be held the preceding Evening 5 PM Also at Scarsdale MM Visit the Scarsdale…

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About Letting Our Lives Speak…

About Letting Our Lives Speak – And Those Who Have Listened Purchase Quarterly Meeting You Are Warmly Invited To Quarterly Meeting At Scarsdale Friends Meetinghouse Popham Road, Just West Of Rte 22 Sunday, November 5 Quakers have been going into prisons since Elizabeth Fry entered Newgate, and for many different reasons. Those Friends who volunteer…

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Quaker Roots and Journeys with Hugh Barbour

Chappaqua Friends Invite all Friends and Attenders to Join Us For: Quaker Roots and Journeys A course in Quaker foundations with Hugh Barbour Former professor of church history at Earlham College Five Sessions: October 15 November 5 December 10 January 14 February 11 First Days at 9:15 AM Meeting for Worship to follow Chappaqua Friends…

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