AFSC Summer Internships

Interested in a summer internship at the NY/Metro regional office of the American Friends Service Committe, visit this link to learn more.

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AFSC Releases 2 Minute video on the Iraq War

From Ruth Seely at American Friends Service Committee. This is worth checking out. AFSC has just released a new 2 min. video to help people understand the outrageous amount of money that is being spent daily on the Iraq war – at the expense of meeting human needs. To reach the widest audience, we need…

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Places of Conscience Project

Friends, AFSC is requesting your input on a new project they are working on. See below for more details. Imagine a walking tour of New York City (and a matching interactive web page) covering the places in New York’s history where people have taken a stand of conscience against war and militarism. Here at the…

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AFSC works for Peace with North Korea

The Gwangju Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates Nobel Laureates meet in Gwangju to create a plan for peace with North Korea. As rhetoric escalates with the United States and abroad, AFSC urges all parties to continue to seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts. AFSC convened with Nobel Laureates from around the globe to create a path…

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June Peacework

The June issue of Peacework magazine is up, at Please check it out and let us know if you could use extra copies for your mailings, conferences, demonstrations, organizing events. If you participate in blogs and listservs, post Peacework articles you think others would find useful — and as always, please send us your…

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Help AFSC reach youth targeted by military recruiters

Dear Friends, Most of you are already aware of the intense military recruitment of young people that is going on in our city. With a $2.7 billion annual budget for recruitment, the military employs aggressive and often misleading strategies to attract young people to enlist. It is not surprising that recruitment rates are highest in…

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AFSC Sues the U.S. Defense Department for Unlawful Surveillance

Janis D. Shields, Director Media and Public Relations (215) 241-7060, AFTER HOURS 302-545-6596 THE AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE SUES THE U.S. DEFENSE DEPARTMENT FOR UNLAWFUL SURVEILLANCE Says Illegal Spying Violates Constitutional Protections Guaranteed Every American Philadelphia – June 14 –– The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) today became plaintiff in a federal lawsuit filed by…

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Silence of the Dead, Voices of the Light

Dear Friends, I am sending this because we hope people will travel from everywhere to participate over Mother’s Day (May 11-14) weekend on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Silence of the Dead, Voices of the Living is a witness to end the war in Iraq, built around AFSC’s Eyes Wide Open exhibit. It will…

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Bringing EYES WIDE OPEN back to NY/NJ

AFSC’S Eyes Wide Open: New York & new jersey STATE-WIDE EXHIBIT is available to come to your community. Since the 500th death of a U.S. soldier in Iraq, AFSC has toured the exhibit, Eyes Wide Open – the Human Cost of War, throughout the country. This nationally acclaimed exhibit presents over 2,300 boots to represent…

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Call for used shoe donations from Friends Meetings

AFSC in New York is developing a regional-scale version of the nationally acclaimed exhibit, Eyes Wide Open.  It will be comprised of boots to represent the soldiers from New York and New Jersey who have died in the war and 100 pairs of shoes to represent the many many Iraqi civilians who have been killed. …

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