Friends Plan Meetinghouse Tag Sale

The Housatonic Friends Meeting will hold a Meetinghouse Tag Sale on Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at their historic New Milford meetinghouse (300 Danbury Rd, route 7 just north of Lanesville Rd). The tag sale will include Scandinavian silver jewelry, Longaberger baskets, household treasures, small appliances, collectibles,…

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Middle East Discussion with Speakers at WCSU

The Israeli Invasions of Gaza, Lebanon, and Nablus. Eyewitness Reporting and Discussion on the Mideast Conflict Wednesday, September 20 7:00pm Warner Hall WCSU, 181 White St in Danbury Two of the speakers are back from recent visits to the Occupied Territories: -Mazin Qumsiyeh, author of Sharing the Land of Canaan -Justine McCabe, clinical psychologist and…

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Upcoming Retreat – November 3/4/5

We will have two outstanding Friends as facilitators: Joe Garren, from Brooklyn Meeting, and Ernie Buscemi, who is now the Clerk of the Yearly Meeting. The plans are for the retreat to start with a potluck on Friday evening, and take the entire day of Saturday. Joe and Ernie will remain with us for worship…

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A Force More Powerful – Part II

Part II of the documentary film “A Force More Powerful” will be shown at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 15, at the Housatonic Quaker Meetinghouse in New Milford, at Route 7 and Lanesville Road (just north of Lanesville Rd intersection). All are welcome and there is no charge. Refreshments and discussion will follow. The program…

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Young Quakes Conference 2006

This FGC conference for high school-age Friends, a project of the FGC Religious Education Committee, will take place October 6-9, 2006, at the C .A. Vines Arkansas 4-H Center, Little Rock, Arks. The theme is Honoring Our Faith. The presenters are Hope Braveheart (Baltimore YM), Aaron Fowler (Great Plains YM), and Elizabeth Lyzenga-Waterman (New England…

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Dan Seeger to Speak at FWCC Regional Gathering

From NYYM Dan Seeger, former director of Pendle Hill and former executive secretary of the New York Region of the American Friends Service committee, will be the keynote speaker at the Northeastern Regional Gathering of Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, Oct. 13–15, 2006. Friends from New York, Philadelphia, New England, and…

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Upcoming Powell House Events

Quaker Initiative to End Torture, Chuck Fager & John Calvi, 10/20–22, 2006 (the Fall Peace Weekend at Powell House) Fall Work Weekend, Contra Dance, and Storytelling, 10/27–29, 2006 Deeply Relax to Deepen the Spirit, John Calvi, 11/3–5, 2006 “Faith” in Quaker Faith and Practice, Anne Thomas, 11/10–12, 2006 (annual Friends in the Spirit of Christ…

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Purchase Playhouse Presents – Islam: Empire of Faith

Friday, Aug 18, 7 pm at Purchase Meetinghouse Refreshments: 7 pm Film: 7:30 pm The Peace and Social Witness Committee of Purchase Friends Meeting is showing the PBS film “Islam: Empire of Faith” as its third showing of the summer. PBS writes: …It is the story of the great sweep of Islamic power…during its first…

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MMNA (Meeting the Minimum Needs of All)

Pot luck and worship sharing at Purchase Meeting Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 6:30 PM The following minute was approved at the spring session of Yearly Meeting: “Friends share a concern about meeting the minimum needs of all people, which we define to be: providing adequate drinking water nutrition clothing housing primary health care and five…

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Friday Night at the Movies Purchase Meeting Playhouse

The Peace and Social Witness Committee of Purchase Meeting is pleased to announce the Friends premiere showing of our newly acquired film on the life of the famous black activist and civil rights strategist, Bayard Rustin, Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin. Friday evening, June 16th A light supper will be served at 7pm.…

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